Here is a sample blink sketch for that will control the outputs of a Drive Kard. This sketch should run in any version of MPIDE that lists the Quick240 in the boards menu.

Quick240 Drive Kard Blink.pde
  Turns on an LED on for one second, then off for one second, repeatedly.
  This example code is in the public domain.
// KardCxPx is a multi-dimensional array where the first
// index points the Kard slot and the second point to the
// GPIO pin on the Kard, the first four GPIO pins generaly
// connect to the rail pin Px.
uint8_t KardCxPx[7][6] = {
                    { 68, 58, 62, 55, 82, 32 }, // Kard 0
                    { 57, 56, 63, 54, 83, 31 }, // Kard 1
                    { 86, 64,  5, 70, 84, 30 }, // Kard 2
                    { 22, 76,  9,  2, 35, 52 }, // Kard 3
                    { 23, 39,  8, 21, 34, 29 }, // Kard 4
                    { 78, 79, 10, 20, 33, 85 }, // Kard 5
                    { 0, 1, 19, 18, 71, 44 }, // Kard Com
void setup() {
  // Set pins low before setting data direction to prevent
  // pins from driving before we are ready to drive
  digitalWrite(KardCxPx[0][0], LOW);   // set the LED off
  digitalWrite(KardCxPx[0][1], LOW);   // set the LED off
  digitalWrite(KardCxPx[0][2], LOW);   // set the LED off
  digitalWrite(KardCxPx[0][3], LOW);   // set the LED off
  // Set the digital pins as an output.
  pinMode(KardCxPx[0][0], OUTPUT);     
  pinMode(KardCxPx[0][1], OUTPUT);     
  pinMode(KardCxPx[0][2], OUTPUT);     
  pinMode(KardCxPx[0][3], OUTPUT);     
void loop() {
  long time_ms = 250;
  digitalWrite(KardCxPx[0][0], HIGH);  // set the LED on
  delay(time_ms);                      // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(KardCxPx[0][1], HIGH);  // set the LED on
  delay(time_ms);                      // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(KardCxPx[0][2], HIGH);  // set the LED on
  delay(time_ms);                      // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(KardCxPx[0][3], HIGH);  // set the LED on
  delay(time_ms);                      // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(KardCxPx[0][0], LOW);   // set the LED off
  delay(time_ms);                      // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(KardCxPx[0][1], LOW);   // set the LED off
  delay(time_ms);                      // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(KardCxPx[0][2], LOW);   // set the LED off
  delay(time_ms);                      // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(KardCxPx[0][3], LOW);   // set the LED off
  delay(time_ms);                      // wait for a second