====== Eratta ======
It was recently found that all of the JSON strings used for Uptick Tickets were representing numbers as hexadecimal values. These are malformed json strings and work is under way to correct the issue. The plan is to make a sketch that will search for the malformed json strings and correct them and update the EEPROM on the Ticket. If you need specific details contact [[mailto:tech.support@pontech.com|tech.support@pontech.com]].
====== Ticket ID Format ======
Data format of I2C EEPROM which stores Ticket Maker, Version, and Configuration.
^Byte number^Description^Example^
|8|Short SHA of JSON Header stored as ASCII string|de9f2c74|
|200*|JSON Header, null terminated and padded|{"org":"pontech.com","cn":"Drive Ticket","rev":"A", ...}|
|48|User Data|User Defined|
*** max, null padded**
^Required Fields^
|org, cn, rev|
^Protected Fields^
|io, label|
====== Examples ======
===== Base Format =====
{"org":"pontech.com","cn":"Drive Ticket","rev":"1.0",...}
===== ISO Ticket =====
48828561{"org":"pontech.com","cn":"ISO Common Cathode Ticket","rev":"A","io":31}
7f134a21{"org":"pontech.com","cn":"ISO Common Anode Ticket","rev":"A","io":31}
===== Drive Ticket =====
63fe830a{"org":"pontech.com","cn":"Super Sink Drive Ticket","rev":"A","io":0}
===== Full Example =====
''{"org":"Prolinear/Pontech Inc.","cn":"Drive Ticket","rev":1.0,"email":"support@pontech.com","io":0x00,"label":["step","dir","en","sleep","ms3"]}''
====== Useful links ======
[[http://json.org/|json spec]]
[[http://www.freeformatter.com/json-validator.html|web based json validator]]
[[http://www.sha1-online.com/|sha1 checker]]